- Nov 25 Sat 2006 23:16
I am fat at all!?
hi, it is a great day. I went to join Emily's company's garden party in PCCU. It is long time to go there and I can see white cloud accompany with the pretty blue sky, my favorite scene, natural and comfortable. Lucy and I enjoy the party very much. ^_^ I guess Emily does too. I have feather on my fingers, white feather on black nail polish--COOL!! Hope to fly away like the feather, fly to another place. Even forget how to survive here.
I am still very happy, actually, maybe there is always trouble everywhere, and there are lots of difficulties to suffer, I know I still need to do what I hope I can do, to be the one I hope to be. Well, it is a good question. My GOAL??? I forget about it. I get lost a bit. I lost something, just like some part of the memory is deleted or not refreshed completely to cause some bugs or hang. It just can not work as before. It seems I get no confidence now, and I do not know why my confidence wants to leave me alone. hahaha~~idiot. Anyway, I am always good and I still believe I should trust myself, and do what I think is right, and do it right.
Today, I just want to tell myself that I am really TOOOOO FAT....God, I feel I am just really like a PIG. TERRIBLE. hahahaha~~ laugh at me bah!! I am a joke now. I got a heavy cold this week. Dont know why I get sick for times this year...it is really weird because I am always strong, and not easily get cold or be sick. I am wondering if it is telling me that I am getting older and I need to take care about more details. RIGHT! I agree. I also observe my skin is ...terrible too. It is terrible at all--all what I can say. I need to love myself much more than before, and I can be more selfish, and I can ignore those un-important judgement on me. I need to find the way out and find my own way. well, where is it, can some body tell me? can some body tell me?
I forget the passion. I forget the feeling. I tried to forget many things, I know. It is a bad or good habbit? quite interesting, isn't it? Sometimes I will be happier because of it, but also sad for it. It is human lor~ I laugh a lot and cry a lot. It is Kelly. Remember who I am, and remember to be always happy, any time and anywhere.
- Nov 13 Mon 2006 11:00
上個禮拜五,跟Lucy去吃了很妙的西馬拉雅印度餐廳,在忠孝東路的巷子裡,兩個人討論著彼此的現狀,啊就兩個七年級生對人生的碎念。。。之後。我們從忠孝敦化走到善導寺。。好厲害。。哈哈。。聊了好久,Lucy提出了驚人一語:"成長是幻滅的開始"啊~~孩子~~。。真是一語驚醒夢中人啊~~Lucy。。你。。好。。。好一個"成長是幻滅的開始"。。可愛又性感的幸旳從澳洲回來了(((終於回來了~~)))星期天就跟她,好學生的吟紋跟Lucy去吃了公館新開的的AZABU ZABO。。四個人又接續了我們星期五的話題。。聊了一個下午。。哈哈。。。結束後,我帶了幸旳去看我溫暖的小公寓,兩個人又聊到了晚上九點半;談論我倆怎麼變胖這麼多。。哈哈哈哈~~兩個人還一起去吃我家巷口的永和豆漿。。我真是沒救了。。
- Nov 08 Wed 2006 12:50
Let's talk about something happened days before.以前的旅行雖然很久,但是一般都滿順利的。這次也才2個禮拜ㄟ。天啊~就幾乎耗掉我一個月的力氣。哈哈。
知道自己要去北京出差,很興奮,第一次ㄟ。剛好有同事J從北京回台灣,就請教他天氣跟要帶的衣物。J說天氣很好,毛衣根本穿不上。凱莉就開心地想說,好在,不然接著要去東筦跟新加坡,行李這麼厚重,真麻煩。於是只準備了薄薄的衣物上京去~結果~到北京,發現。。哇塞。"聽說今天晚上會到五度唷"。。聽到師傅(北京管計程車司機叫做"師傅")這麼說,我想。怎麼這麼巧勒~我一來就變天啊!。幸運地是,飯店就在公司旁邊,就不太冷了。 去東筦之前還發生之前"好心人的故事"(請看前兩天的BLOG)。
- Nov 04 Sat 2006 12:06
Chang-I Airport
It is great to access internet at airport....great...
there should be some in our "International Airport"...
It is always good day in Singapore, and lots of delicious food.
But I need to keep my mouth close for a period, I believe.
- Oct 31 Tue 2006 00:19
Hi, 笨凱莉又做蠢事了~我真的很呆ㄋㄟ。。但是我今天沒力氣寫。改天再跟大家聊唄~
- Oct 28 Sat 2006 21:59
今天星期六,早上睡太晚,沒趕上吃早餐的時間。一個人在房間一直呆到下午一點多,準備到頤和園,查了資料,應該60-70 RMB可以到,應該半天可以走完。要去打車前,先到飯店櫃檯詢問旅遊資訊,服務員相當熱心的介紹可以參加他們的長城+明十三陵一日遊:
- Oct 26 Thu 2006 10:59
On MY N93 Multimedia Computer
I am using my multimedia computer N93 to edit this paragraph.In a training, a bit boring. Haha.
- Oct 26 Thu 2006 01:36
眼睛好痛!好討厭。。快瞎了。。現在有很negative的心情。。還在北京。很冷。晚上說只有2度C。。瘋狂了。我的衣服根本不夠。。沒關係,就醬吧!我眼睛好痛唷。。明天一大早要去上課,下禮拜一要到東筦去上課。最近這一陣子,真是折騰死我了。好的。這是好的。。我曉得。。這一切都是好的。。開心的背後,往往有很多有的沒的故事。。my mission is to make people happy.我總得做點事吧,讓自己快樂先吧,管不了其他人了。眼睛還是好痛,說話真的沒邏輯。
北京天氣越來越冷了,氣候也很乾燥,在這裡,溫度低,但是陽光照射時,還是相當溫暖。我的生活也是如此。要闖盪江湖,先要準備幾副面具,在不同的時間、場合戴不同的面具。儘管我以為我學不來,但未來勢必得面對,不可以卻步啦。行的!遭遇越多困難,越知道這世界的模樣吧! 眼睛痛也可以勉強看的見,是吧!窗外好冷的樣子,冰冷的窗戶,我躲在這裡,我只是躲在一個小小的空間裡,我就覺得好幸福了。我的人到底怎樣,我得做一些調整。。我覺得這個moment。。我很不喜歡我自己。
- Oct 23 Mon 2006 23:44
today! 2nd day in Beijing. Actually, It is the first day; I just arrived yesterday evening. Beijing is big, with lots of cars, lots of people, the feeling is kinda of wierd. I shall change my mindset-no need to worry. Sometimes, if think in optimistic way, it is just life; it is my value?? that is too bad. I am sad today, even I am trying to skip it. The air quality is so bad..and my eyes are hurt...It is a beautiful city(to convince myself). Now, I don't know what I wanna present or what I wanna share, you know, that is hard to explain, not not that complicate as well. Have the famous duck meal last night, and have famous hot pot for dinner...Eat a lot, complain a lot, and fat a lot, I don't like the life.(sorry, I am a bit upset at this moment) I know I can do it more, I shall think it more before ask or do anything. Why keep making mistakes?? I don't want to, too. Childlike Kelly. You are just too stupid; do you think just working hard, and people will appreciate what you've done for them? The answer is NOT AT ALL. No one will appreciate for it, in other words, you just think too simplely. I am tired today, seems to get cold soon. Wish me luck. I just need more luck to overcome all of those.