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黑天鵝~Black Swan...

SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()
I like the movie, and I like the word - share!! No matter it is in English or Mandarin.

I saw this movie on the flight to take a tranining in Beijing last Dec.. When seeing the movies, I always laugh and cry with those people in the stories no matter what kind of circumstances!
SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
最近有一部電影很紅,凱小莉本人認為這應該是2010年最好看的電影了!! (murmur: 看電影真的事很奢侈的娛樂活動!!)

為什麼特別談這部電影呢? 有比Avatar阿凡達的3D厲害嗎?
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Dear, I went to see the movie "P.S. I Love You" which is an interesting and romantic movie. I thought I would cry if I see this movie, well...not as what I thought, I didn't cry. It is so romantic!!! haha....however, I am wondering why I didn't cry....or that means I am cold-blood now, and have no feeling about love?
Anyway, it is a nice day to me. Karen and I just go to Ding-Tai-Fong for lunch and have lots of chat and conversation including love, family, working, and some study. We share quite a lot and feel really great. After got home, Emily and her boyfriend are home, and finally I can play poker...Thanks God....Finally, in this Chinese new year vacation...^_^....Wish everyone happy and the vacation is close the end, need to check my job soon...coming busy days...
SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()
I love the life I have now, music, movie, and books. How wonderful it is. Thanks.
wow. I can only say it is wonderful to see My Blueberry Nights.
It brings the comfortable and sweet feeling to me, and also encourages me to pursue what I like and want.
Fantastic, interesting, warm, sweet, sour, a bit bitter, however, everything is just nice and just always follow the flow and I can always find the way out.
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