為了打發時間,我只得用我的Multimedia Computer 來享受音樂,暫時神遊離開這個空間。我排的是60號,到了接近正午時分,號碼卻只跳到25號,天啊~怎麼會降。忽然間,一個亮麗的身影出現,一位小姐穿著時下流行的迷你裙,蹬著高跟鞋到了我的面前,well,她還帶著超大造型太陽眼鏡(簡直像個明星~),她似乎是要看~精神科~忽然間,我注意到她身邊一個小小的身影,一個約莫6歲的可愛小女孩,這媽媽完全沒看到女孩似的,自顧自地走來走去,小女孩拿著運動飲料,緊緊的跟著媽媽。
SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
Headache again.. God...why!!!?? what's wrong?
SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
It is a cold day, and I feel cold. Nonsense. >"<
It is a good day, and I feel not good at all. Nonsense again.
"Action speaks louder than words." Please be reminded. It is really important to me.
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SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
感謝我親愛的老闆,星期四帶我們去吃燒肉! 跟大家介紹一下~
電話: (02)2711-0179
SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
I still feel lucky today. I reinstalled my ATI VGA display driver finally.
And, I know a news from a friend who I met long time ago. In the beginning, I feel a bit sad, and confused, and frustrated. Now, get confused by myself. I should be fine to hear something about that. Actually, I know it is just a news, nothing special, why I care that much. Come on . And I just can't stop thinking about it. I hope I can just forget it, and carelessness. I feel I am really stupid and really foolish. I don't even know how to describe my feeling now. Anyway, I will be fine.
By the way, please do not ask what happened or anything about this . Thanks.
SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
Well, I am in Beijing again. The weather here is much better than before, but still "dry". It is a 4 days trip and feel a bit nervous due to the incoming "crucial" training. Actually, I love this "training", to strengthen any aspect for myself is really good. I am still not too old to learn everything single detail thing. It is quite weird that not so many people in Beijing Capital Airport today, and the flight I took is "FULL" (real full, no empty seat at all). When Q in the line to take taxi, there is always someone smoking a lot . I don't know why people love smoking that much, I tried to be a smoking girl, failed. That doesn't make me really feel good. Anyway, doesn't matter. I saw the movie "The Holiday" on the flight from Hong Kong to Beijing which is a typical Hollywood romance, and happy ending. Seeing the movie should be the best thing in biz trip (the second one is Hagan Doz on Dragon Airline. All right, let's get back to the topic--How Lucky I am?
It should be a long vacation in Taiwan , at least I can go to see flowers or have hot spring somewhere at the same time( the weather is just perfect to have it). And now I am in Beijing.
I didn't bring too much clothes this time cause this is just 4 days trip in the hotel, and just come here with long black pants, several shirt, and some lady's clothes, AND a pair of shoes. Well...Shoes. God @#$% shoes are broken on the way to dinner. I am not really angry about the QA of shoes, and worried how to solve this problem. I don't have any idea why I am always lucky when visiting Beijing. Then, after dinner, I ran (really "run" for some distance) to the closest mall, and that is too expensive then go to another--closed . Oh, my goodness, I have an important training tomorrow, how can I go to the course without shoes? I checked with the guard of the mall, he pointed me to a direction and told me to walk for a while then I can see the shoes stores. For sure, I started to run, after 2 big blocks, nothing, nothing, and nothing. I found a girl and check with her if any shoes shops opening? She said no, there is no shops around. Come on, why lie to me? Is that fun to cheat a stupid girl from Taiwan? I was really frustrated and wondering what I can do next (and also imagine what will happen tomorrow morning in the course). Then, I dialed a number to C, who will take the course as well about this Good news, smart him, telling to go to Pacific department store to check it out. I ran again, this time, 4 blocks, (I am thinking I can attend marathon next time). Thanks God . It is still opening. After checked with the service desk, and fly to the shoes section. Yeah!! almost crying, I got the shoes.
SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
不過~這禮拜~也很瘋~現在是21:30。。我仍在辦公室跟我的training material 奮鬥中。。哇!!!~誰來救救我啊~
星期一就已經把這個月的schedule都排好了,好像回到一年前在奇美的生活,但這裡,緊湊多了~很多東西都是要對到很多很多重要的人。我的organizer裡的格子都已經不夠寫,手機裡的行事曆有一堆衝突(conflict items),好可怕。而另一方面,我又希望我可以訓練自己的閱讀能力,給自己列了書單要看完。well..真的很充實。
SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
Again, I feel bad, but...fine, that's okay. No problem.
You know, sometimes, we need to encourage ourselves, again and again, to grow up. And I am doing it now. Sometimes, I just need to take a deep breathe to accept the reality. Is it what in my mind now, those blue, grey, and almost dark thought? haha, it is not that bad. Kelly is always happy and to share everything with people. I went to Eslite again, in the weekday noon time, and it really gives me lots of ideas; I mean, to hit me, to refill me, or to inspire me. I miss a lot of people, my ex-boss, Rachel, who starts her 2nd store (Harvest Time) in Lin Ko, and my dearest sister, and many many of my good friends.
I need to do a lot of things these three days.
SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
good day!
today is a good day. First of all, I need to say "Thanks you" to Sam(山姆大叔), who shared some great ideas to me. Basically, I also need to thank Jason who also gives me lots of comments after I joined this company.
After the conversation with Sam yesterday, I feel much better and realize the "reality" and "Practical" are really crucial.
Need to study hard!!!
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