Sometimes, I like to sit in the corner of the coffee shop and pretend to read, but to observe people around. I am not well-socialized, and make wrong decision or judgment all the time. However, I have luck...I meet lots of good friends and advisories...give me lots of support and comments. Smile

It seems I focus in specific area and not really understand how the world operates and don't even know how people interact. (小太陽效應), I thought I know, but I don't know. Ironic, isn't it? I only focus on me, myself, and don't really care about others, too self-centric. what my friends said, everyone has the  小太陽效應, we can't see ourselves clearly, the angle is quite different, and we just blame on others, talk shit on others, stuff like that...

is "Not know too much" good? in the past, I feel that is good, I can just pay all my attention on what I care; time goes by, it might be good in the beginning, I found I need to know more to have better communication with others or need to know more to find the real answer. The answer does not exist on the surface of the thing, and it is not easy to understand it even it shows to you, Like philosophy, but it is life.

I set up too much limitation, and I thought that is good to me, and I thought I am happy under those limitation, and I keep talking to myself that is for my future good and I will get benefit sooner or later. Like government policy, or like old-fashioned products, it needs revolution to refresh it. It is not out of fashion or out of date, just not good as before. How come I have not realized it for the past 6 years. What is real me? haha..just stupid, and 自以為是.

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