Hey! Nice day, isn't it
No rain today, how nice it is.
Know something or do not know something seems not so important.
Sometimes, people can't know everything, or even wanna control everything.
There are lots of news everyday. I just choose what I want to know.
What a mess.
I don't read for long time, even only few pages; I must try to find a way to solve it.
Fix funny.
I am not an easy-going person anymore. I get angry easily, and get upset more often than before. I am wondering the Sunny girl exisiting. Calm down.
Happy Festival, hope my friends are happy and happy.
It seems I have nothing to say for this moment, but I know there are lots and I don't find the way to make it clear here. Complicated.
I care people who care me, but I always ruin their kind mind.
Sorry.I love myself too much.

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