目前分類:Murmur Kelly (169)

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Done my dinner...FULL....TOO much actually...

it is a great sunny day...^_^...and it is all I can say.

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最近,凱莉發現自己有偏頭痛!!! 查了很多資料,好像也不是太恐怖。
The typical migraine headache is unilateral and pulsating, lasting from 4 to 72 hours; [1] symptoms include nausea, vomiting, photophobia (increased sensitivity to bright light), and hyperacusis (increased sensitivity to noise); [2][3][4] approximately one third of people who suffer migraine headache perceive an aura — visual, olfactory — announcing the headache. [5]

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SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The code book~


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最近超想去唱歌, 以前也會降,想要去大喊大叫。。。


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>"<...this is my face..

I am good actually...but still...


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As title~
it is Jan 12 of 2009...Right, it is.

The weather is freezing me to death? well...not that serious.

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Oh Yeah! it is a whole new start.

I will be good from now on....it is 2009...I will be great...you can refer to 瑪法達星座運勢 for more astrology related analysis. It is quite interesting. ^_^

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I was totally insane this morning. A bit down..just let me to say goodbye to 2008!

I would like to talk to myself more and more. It is long time for me to review myself >"<...

Apple is saying "I", "Me"...Nokia is talking about "We".."Connecting People"...

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"現在又感冒了。"哈~~~~~~啾~~~~~~" (心好空)

我最近常常一下開心,一下不開心,很多時候,我不斷地在檢討我自己,問我自己,"我是怎麼了?" 我不懂了。。

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Dears....it is Halloween...oh yeah!!
Have fun...Open-mouthed

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Dears, I am in Taiwan lor...finally...but...there are lots of things to deal with....
my mood is still under vacation...>"<...

I am just back for 1 week...I visited my sister and had lots of fun...lunch with my college classmates, colleagues, dinner with my EMBA classmates, see my mom, my grandmom....

SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If I can, what I want to do?
If I can, how much money I need?
If I can, who is the most important thing to me now?
If I can, where do I want to go the most?

SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

I am too harsh, actually. I am sad about my behavior. I could even feel my own change. Good and Bad..

It was rained last night. I walked home from MRT station last night, and I don't have my keys with me. That is nothing special. I just try to be relax from the dinner with our area team colleagues. Everyday, I try to relax myself from the whole day working.  The rain was quite heavy...I was angry at myself.

Recently, I hate myself. I am just too picky sometimes. I am not happy as usual. I am not satisfied what I have, I guess that is the reason. I need vacation? Don't know if it works or not.

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It is hard to say that I am happy or not, well...should be happy. I was received the invitation to work in China, and I was so wanna go....I hesitate....
There are some reasons...
Discussed with Papa...he supported my desire, and I do really appreciate for this. However, how I could make it happen? A bit nervous, but I do have high willingness to make it come true.

Dears, anyone could help me?

SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


到了飲茶餐廳~吸煙區坐了一位貌似"酒店小姐"~(因為我去南京林森附近的"吉星")~小姐沒在抽菸~為了比較好的視野~選擇了吸煙區~一 開始我只是覺得~哇塞~這個人的妝也太濃了吧!!!~後來~來了一位男士~(不知道是男友~或是什麼關係)~對這個女生超好~我開始覺得怪怪的~因為小姐 在生氣~嫌東嫌西~也許有些事情吧~後來他們就離開了~





superkelly的人生是以快樂為目的~真的希望大家都很開心~為了開心生活~superkelly可是努力了很久~才可以有現在的生 活品質!!superkelly也絕對不是會把朋友的心底話當作兒戲,不要誤會superkelly!!只是~superkelly~真的很健忘~常常忘 記~常常掉東西~但是~重點是~superkelly真的很愛身邊的朋友跟親人!!

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  • Jun 23 Mon 2008 00:57
  • 風箏




SuperKelly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

actually, I don't really hate "smoking", sometimes, I'm just too picky, just like a mom. I am so restrict and demanding, and like to set up the rules and people around me are needed to follow them. Well, I should have no friends, if I keep doing so. Thanks for my friends now, you are always kind to me.

Recently, I found myself no good. Maybe it is because my school work or my relationship. I don't know. Even I don't want to admit it. I am just too stupid to tell what is real or what is joke, all the time!!!

I didn't go to work today and take one day personal leave. With my Lenovo T60, (not a really cool one, I do want to have a MacBook Air), I can do whatever I want, such as preparing my Business Plan, replying some emails, checking my blogs, or searching for travel packages. I love Internet. ^_^

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上禮拜有SISLEY與Benetton的特拍,下殺1.5折,我們幾個人一去就花了幾萬元,話說完,今天又有美商怡佳的特賣又去刷了好多錢。我真的只能說~我們真的促進cash flow的成長.....哇哈哈~(女生總愛給自己的盲目瞎拚找藉口,我快受夠了)

其實這很有趣,當這類的活動開始,在許多的美容保養,彩妝的討論區已經開始沸騰的研究與分享,今天排隊的時候開始,就整個興奮。這真的很妙。 像我這種連眉毛都不太畫的人卻還是想去湊熱鬧,不管三七二十一就拿了,想說,"不買,應該是會後悔的",但是,結果常常是,"早知道"不該買的。。。我常常在想,行銷研究裡,心理學與消費者行為應該佔了75%以上~ 另外,美國人真的很會做行銷,歐洲人有點遜了~^_^~

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